Produse pentru echipamente laborator (1052)

Lingură de probă, mâner lung, de unică folosință - Echipamente de laborator, dispozitive de prelevare a probelor

Lingură de probă, mâner lung, de unică folosință - Echipamente de laborator, dispozitive de prelevare a probelor

Die Probenschaufel ist für die Probenahme von Pulvern, Granulaten und Pasten einsetzbar. Dabei ermöglicht der lange Stiel auch größere Gebinde mit wenig Inhalt zu beproben oder durch schmale Öffnungen zu gelangen. Mit der geraden Unterkante der Schaufel lässt sich Medium direkt vom Boden des Behälters aufnehmen. Die Einwegschaufel eignet sich für die sensiblen Bereiche der pharmazeutischen und chemischen Industrie sowie der Lebensmittel- und Kosmetikindustrie. – Weiß, weiß Bio, blau oder blau detektierbar – Einweg, optional sterilisiert
Senzori UV inline: măsurarea continuă a iradierii pentru sistemele UV - Senzori UV

Senzori UV inline: măsurarea continuă a iradierii pentru sistemele UV - Senzori UV

The UV inline sensor FLT is a compact, and precise measuring system for irradiance measurements in UV facilities, as packaging systems disinfection systems systems for surface activation UV curing systems Aging & test chambers The system consists of a compact inline sensor for fixed installation or use with radiometer RMD / RM-12. Reference measurements are simple and precise due to indentical shape of both sensor versions. Our product range includes eight spectral ranges and four measuring ranges for the sensors. This allows the radiometric sensors to be optimally adapted for the application. The sensors are calibrated with traceability to PTB (Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt, the German national test authority); after being calibrated, they are supplied with a factory calibration certificate. The RMD is characterized by a very high resolution, a high measuring range, a data interface and the illuminated graphic display. Dimensions:68 x 25 x 15 mm Weight:~ 70 g Measurement range:0 - 20 W/cm² Operation temperature:0 to 60 °C Storage temperature:-10 to 60 °C
Apă distilată

Apă distilată

Odorless IVD | Sterile | pH 6.8-7 Storage: 2-12 °C Specially distilled water for laboratory testing, purified in every aspect. Turbidity 5 NTU | Salinity 0 ppm | TDS 0.01 ppm Carbonate < 0.01 ppm | Bicarbonate < 0.01 ppm | Chloride < 0.01 ppm Nitrate < 0.03 ppm | Sulfate < 0.01 ppm For external use. Where is Distilled Water Used? Distilled water is a type of water preferred in various sensitive applications due to its high purity level. In laboratories, distilled water is used to ensure reliable results in experiments and analyses. This type of water does not carry any risk of contamination in experiments and tests because it is free from minerals and pollutants. In the healthcare field, distilled water plays an important role. Medical devices used in hospitals and clinics require the use of distilled water because it helps prevent the accumulation of minerals and pollutants inside the devices. What is the Difference Between Pure Water and Distilled Water? Although these terms refer to concepts that express the purity of water, they have some important differences. Pure water generally refers to water that does not contain any chemicals, pollutants, or foreign particles. Water obtained from natural sources or cleaned through various purification methods is considered pure. However, this term can encompass a wide variety, and the purity level of the water may vary depending on the purification method used. Distilled pure water, on the other hand, is a type of water obtained through a special purification method known as distillation. Distillation is the process of boiling water and condensing its vapor back into liquid form. This process effectively removes dissolved salts, minerals, and other pollutants from the water. Distilled water is commonly used in laboratories, medical applications, or sensitive devices because its purity level is extremely high. The fundamental difference between the two types of water is that the purity level of distilled pure water is much higher. Pure water may have been cleaned through various purification methods but can still contain some dissolved substances or minerals. Distilled water, thanks to the distillation process, is purified from almost all impure substances.
Furnizor de servicii de prelucrare a metalului la RPWORLD - Prelucrarea metalului și asamblări preliminare

Furnizor de servicii de prelucrare a metalului la RPWORLD - Prelucrarea metalului și asamblări preliminare

RPWORLD offers sheet metal fabrication and pre-assemblies services as the complementary of our one-stop manufacturing service. The core benefits of this process include one-stop service, wide materials selection, hardware inserts, and our extensive experience in applications. - Wide Material Selection Aluminum, brass, copper, steel, tin, nickel and titanium. For decorative uses, important sheet metals include silver, gold, and platinum. - Hardware Inserts Choose from hundreds of in-house hardware inserts specifically designed for sheet metal fabrication. - One-stop Service Maintain consistent part quality and guaranteed lead times under our one-stop service. - Rich Experience for Various Applications Auto parts, medical devices, home appliances, robotics, scientific instruments etc. Industries Applied: - Medical Device Manufacturing - Automotive - Scientific Instrument - Mechanical Engineering - Robotic - Design Industries Applied:Medical Device Industries Applied:Scientific Instrument
Cuțit de 23 cm - Echipament de laborator

Cuțit de 23 cm - Echipament de laborator

Coltello in acciaio inox per disopercolare con lama liscia da 23 cm e impugnatura in legno. MARCHIO Giordania Codice Prodotto:827
Labjack 200 X 200 mm cu Burghiu Fără Fir - DIN 12897

Labjack 200 X 200 mm cu Burghiu Fără Fir - DIN 12897

New construction patented DE 20 2010 006 420*height adjustment by hand or cordless drill: precise,secure, quick*mobile and network-independent operation*integrated safety clutch*stainless steel plates*shear resistant pattern*top plate with Ø 10 mm hole*slip-proof rubber feet*suitable 1/4" bit for cordless drill included in delivery
Răzuitoare și Echipamente de Laborator - TEMA Echipamente SAS - Răzuitor și Echipamente de Laborator - 15

Răzuitoare și Echipamente de Laborator - TEMA Echipamente SAS - Răzuitor și Echipamente de Laborator - 15

Machines d'analyses de criblage - Screening Analysis Machines Nos tamiseuses analytiques permettent le tamisage automatique de tout produit en vrac pouvant être criblé dans des fractions granulométriques différentes pour l'obtention de répartitions granulométriques reproductibles. Our analytical screening machines cover a range of analysis from 10µm up to 125 mm. Nearly all applications can be handled by our wide range of air-jet sieves and horizontally and vertically vibrating screening machines. Even analytical samples of up to 50 kgs, which may be necessary due to grain size and composition, can be analyzed by our machines with a screening area of 1 m². Échantillonnage / réduction / Matériel de laboratoire - Sampling / Size reduction / Laboratory equipment Notre programme de livraison inclus des appareils de préparation des échantillons - concasseurs, broyeurs et appareils de séparation - ainsi que des machines pour l'analyse de la taille des particules et pour la...
MATRIX-F II - Analiză FT-NIR online

MATRIX-F II - Analiză FT-NIR online

The award winning MATRIX-F II FT-NIR spectrometer allows the direct measurement in process reactors and pipelines, leading to a better understanding and control of the process. Accurate in-line results in seconds Multiple components per measurement Non-destructive analysis Optional built-in 6-port multiplexer Direct method transfer Rugged design Ethernet connectivity and industry standard communication protocols
Echipamente de laborator și dispozitive de măsurare - Evaporator rotativ BUCH cu sticlă înclinată și dreaptă

Echipamente de laborator și dispozitive de măsurare - Evaporator rotativ BUCH cu sticlă înclinată și dreaptă

Nos multiples partenariats avec des fabricants européens de matériels laboratoire nous permettent de couvrir la quasi-totalité des vos besoins en équipements et matériels scientifiques pour le laboratoire. C’est ainsi que nous pouvons vous proposer par exemples : des balances de précision, des balances industrielles, des densimètres électroniques, des réfractomètres électroniques, des colorimètres, des spectrophotomètres, des points éclairs, des bain-marie, des bain de sable, des agitateurs magnétiques chauffants, des plaques chauffantes, des bains à ultrasons, des thermomètres électroniques, des évaporateurs rotatifs, des cryothermostats, des enceintes climatiques, des étuves, des homogénéiseurs, des agitateurs à hélice pour laboratoire et pour l’industrie …
Analizatori de Textură

Analizatori de Textură

L’analyseur de texture Brookfield permet d’effectuer des tests rapides pour les laboratoires qui souhaitent augmenter leur productivité, mais sans compromettre la qualité.La rhéologie comprend également l’étude du comportement à l’écoulement des solides et des poudres. Le testeur de flux de poudre PFT permet une analyse rapide et facile du comportement du flux de poudre dans les processus industriels.
Răcitor de Circulație | Răcitor de Recirculare ULK 602

Răcitor de Circulație | Răcitor de Recirculare ULK 602

Umlaufkühler für professionelle Anwendungen. Hochgenaue Kühlung für Prozesse und analytische Gerät. Spart Platz, Energie und Leitungswasser. Bietet mehr Leistung, Sicherheit & Benutzerfreundlichkeit.
Sisteme cu Două Seringi BF MicroInject

Sisteme cu Două Seringi BF MicroInject

zur Pulsationsfreien Dosierung von Fluiden und Gasen. (1 µl/min – 1‚5L/h bei bis zu 5bar)
Ika RCT basic Agitator Magnetic - Ika RCT basic Agitator Magnetic: cel mai vândut din laborator

Ika RCT basic Agitator Magnetic - Ika RCT basic Agitator Magnetic: cel mai vândut din laborator

Krachtige motor voor hoger snelheidsbereik, extra temperatuurbedieningsmodus voor snellere opwarming van je monster. Geïntegreerde temperatuurbediening Inclusief PT 1000 temperatuursensor (PT 1000.60) Nauwkeurige instelling van de temperatuur en de snelheid via het digitale scherm, zelfs als het apparaat uitgeschakeld is Digitale weergave van de ingestelde temperatuurlimiet Hot Top indicator: waarschuwing voor te heet oppervlak om brandwonden te voorkomen! Digitale weergave van foutmeldingen Met instelbaar veiligheidscircuit voor de temperatuur van de verwarmingsplaat (50 – 360 °C) Magnetische roerder met verwarming, geschikt om te laten werken zonder toezicht DIN 12878-aansluiting voor een contactthermometer, bijv. de ETS-D5, voor nauwkeurige temperatuurbediening Zeer veilig dankzij de verbeterde warmtebedieningstechnologie Gesloten behuizing (IP 42) voor lange levensduur Aluminium verwarmingsplaat voor optimale warmteoverdracht Verbeterde magnetische aantrekkingskracht ...
Kits de Testare Microbiologică și CellStream - Tehnologia CellStream

Kits de Testare Microbiologică și CellStream - Tehnologia CellStream

rqmicro AG develops and markets high-quality reagents and instruments for microbial tests in water and food. Water labs benefit from newly available kits to detect Legionella in combination with a flow cytometer in 1-2 hours instead of 12-14 days.
Dulapuri pentru Cilindri - Dulapuri pentru Cilindri

Dulapuri pentru Cilindri - Dulapuri pentru Cilindri

TÜP DOLABI •Tüp dolabında; dolap gövde ve kapakları çalışma alanlarına uygun olarak tasarlanan kalınlıklarda (0.80 / 0.90/ 1.0 / 1.2/ 1.5 vb. mm) galvanizlenmiş sacdan imal edilmektedir •Tüp dolabı ve kapaklarının esneme yapmaması ve daha iyi mukavemet gösterebilmesi için çift çıdarlı olarak imal edilmekte olup iki çıdar arasına çelik takviye yerleştirilmektedir. •Tüp dolabı 60 mikron kalınlığında epoksi bazlı elektro statik toz boya ile kaplanarak 2000C ‘de fırınlanmaktadır. •Sistemin içerisine yerleştirilecek tüplerin sabitlenmesi için zincir ve bağlantı aparatları yerleştirilmektedir. •Tüp dolabında gazdan etkilenmeyen, minimum 350m3 debiye sahip , sessiz çalışan, asit ve bazlara dayanıklı,antibakteriyel ithal Poliproplen kanal tipi fan motoru mevcttur.
Sistem de cântărire a filtrului AK6-4YF - Protecția mediului

Sistem de cântărire a filtrului AK6-4YF - Protecția mediului

Système de pesage de filtres nécessaire à l'évaluation des émissions de polluants particulaires émis par les moteurs à combustion (norme Euro 6). Cet appareil permet d'effectuer des tests et des recherches tout en maintenant la répétabilité de la mesure de sd <0,2 μg. Le système de pesage automatique, AK-6 4Y.F, est équipé d'un thermo-hygro-baromètre de haute qualité permettant d'enregistrer les conditions ambiantes en temps réel avec une précision de ± 1 hPa (pression) / ± 1,8% (humidité) / ± 0,1 ° C (température). Grâce à l'automatisation, cet appareil permet d'éliminer le «facteur humain», et garantie une répétabilité de mesure impossible à obtenir en cas de pesée manuelle. L'appareil dispose d'un magasin permettant un test simultané de 6 filtres. Chaque filtre pendant l'opération est stocké dans un conteneur en acier. Un logiciel ergonomique et une application RMCS indépendante permet de gérer la durée et les plans de test de comparaison de chaque filtre ou série.
Saturno 300Plus - Analizator cu acces aleator

Saturno 300Plus - Analizator cu acces aleator

Saturno 300Plus Il Saturno 300Plus è uno strumento di chimica clinica dove ogni paziente è una urgenza. Vero analizzatore Random Access è sempre pronto ad eseguire la vostra routine giornaliera, un singolo test, un profilo o una urgenza con la stessa velocità ed efficienza. Il Saturno 300Plus usa la tecnologia più attuale ed un sofisticato software a menù guidato che offre più versatilità, affidabilità e velocità di operazione. Ci sono nuove ed allettanti caratteristiche, inclusa una produttività di 330 test/h, più 180 elettroliti/h, che fanno di questo analizzatore un desiderabile e potente mezzo in ogni tipo di laboratorio analisi.
Calorimetrie chip - Flash DSC - Calorimetru chip

Calorimetrie chip - Flash DSC - Calorimetru chip

Dynamische Differenzkalorimetrie mittels schneller Chipkalorimetrie Das Flash DSC 1 revolutioniert das DSC-Verfahren. Es ermöglicht die Analyse bislang nicht messbarer Reorganisationsprozesse. Das Flash DSC 1 ist die ideale Ergänzung des konventionellen DSC-Verfahrens. Die Heizraten decken nun einen Bereich von mehr als 7 Dekaden ab. Durch die extrem hohen Heiz- und Kühlgeschwindigkeiten erhält die Analyse thermisch induzierter, physikalischer Umwandlungen und chemischer Prozess wie z. B. die Kristallisation und Reorganisation von Polymeren eine neue Dimension.
Tensiometru cu fibră unică DCAT 25SF

Tensiometru cu fibră unică DCAT 25SF

The tensiometers of the DCAT series are measuring instruments for force-based investigation of surface and interface properties. Because of the compact and modular product design of the DCAT series, a bespoke combination of device and accessories can be found for any use case. The DCAT 25SF single-fibre tensiometer contains a high-precision weighing system with a resolution of up to 0.1 μg. This enables measurements even on single carbon or glass fibres. Measurements can be carried out at defined humidity and at temperatures between -15 °C and 135 °C. In addition is it possible to investigate the viscoelasticity of monolayers. Furthermore, concentration series for determining the critical micelle concentration (CMC) can be automatically generated and measured. Measurements: - surface and interfacial tension - liquid density - dynamic contact angles - surface energy of solids - determination of the CMC - surface pressure - viscoelasticity of monolayers


Mini-Zentrifuge, Typ CF-5, max. Drehzahl 5000 U/min., mit Sicherheitsschalter beim öffnen des Deckel
Vârfuri de analiză dedicate Roche Elecsys, E411, E601, E602, E80 - REACTIVI / ECHIPAMENTE DE LABORATOR ȘI MEDICALE

Vârfuri de analiză dedicate Roche Elecsys, E411, E601, E602, E80 - REACTIVI / ECHIPAMENTE DE LABORATOR ȘI MEDICALE

Końcówki testowe dedykowane do Roche Elecsys, E411, E601, E602, E801 i Modular Produkt jest oryginalny i wyprodukowany przez firmę Roche Wyroby medyczne do diagnostyki in vitro do użytku profesjonalnego
Incubator - Incubator POL-EKO ST 2 pentru incubarea probelor la temperatura specificată

Incubator - Incubator POL-EKO ST 2 pentru incubarea probelor la temperatura specificată

Incubatore (IL) ILW 240 1. Applicazione: Test microbiologici Coltivazione di piante, microrganismi che si riproducono in un ambiente controllato con precisione Determinazione del BOD Incubazione dei campioni a temperatura specificata 2. Controller: Smart e Smart PRO 3. Modelli speciali: FOT – sistema fotoperiodico – simulazione giorno e notte FIT – sistema phytotron – simulazione giorno e notte con controllo dell'intensità TECHNICAL DATA air convectionforced chamber capacity [l]245 working capacity [l]245 controllermicroprocessor PID display4,3" full colour touch screen TEMPERATURE temperature range [°C]0…+70 / -10…+70 (option) temperature resolution every … [°C]0,1 temperature fluctuation at 37°C [+/-°C]*0,2 temperature variation at 37°C [+/-°C]*0,3 over temperature protectionclass 2.0 to DIN 12880 / class 3.3 (option) CHAMBER doordouble(5) / door with viewing window (option) interior
Pfeuffer Rakoraf

Pfeuffer Rakoraf

automatische Probennahmestation für stationäre Aufstellung inkl. Gehäusesockel, Ständer mit Hebelarm und Teleskopvorrichtung, Vorschubeinheit durch Getriebemotoren, Abscheidergehäuse, Signalhupe, Fernbedienung Probeentnahmerohr: 2,10 m Kraftbedarf: 2,37 kW, 220/380 V
Sisteme HPLC și cromatografie ionică accesibile

Sisteme HPLC și cromatografie ionică accesibile

Cecil Instruments’ Adept and Q-Adept ranges of flexible modular HPLC and IonQuest Ion Chromatography, may be configured to suit individual requirements. There is a wide range of detectors, including the revolutionary UV/Visible WaveQuest. The elegantly effective AutoQuest autosamplers are specially designed for use with the Cecil Adept HPLC, Q-Adept HPLC and IonQuest Ion Chromatography Systems. They may also be used with third party LC systems. The Cecil compact column heaters and heater/chillers are also compatible with third party LC systems, with sufficient space for up to three 25 cm columns and a chemical suppressor valve. Comprehensive, versatile, intuitive and easy to use PowerStream software provides for 21 CFR part 11 compliance. Adept HPLC, Q-Adept HPLC and IonQuest Ion Chromatography systems have been designed with the user in mind. Systems are easy and fast to install. They are virtually plug and play.
Pilot-Coater PCS 30/40/50/60

Pilot-Coater PCS 30/40/50/60

Der Pilot-Coater PCS ist für Beschichtungen von bahnenförmigen Materialien im Labor- bzw. Technikumsmaßstab konzipiert. Mit dem Pilot - Coater lassen sich mit geringem Rohstoff- und Energieeinsatz neue Produkte sowie neue Beschichtungstechnologien optimal entwickeln. Der Pilot-Coater verarbeitet die verschiedenste Chemikalien in pastöser, geschäumter, flüssiger oder heißschmelzender Konsistenz und ermöglicht somit hochwertige Veredelungen und Laminierungen im Non-Woven-, Folien-, Papier- und Textilbereich. Der modulare Aufbau und die SPS-Steuerung des Pilot-Coater-Systems sowie eine Vielzahl unterschiedlichster Beschichtungs-, Laminier- und Trockenverfahren im Nass- und Hotmeltbereich setzen neue Maßstäbe im Laboranlagensegment. Durch die hohe Flexibilität und die vielfältigen Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten des Pilot-Coater-Systems ist es auch für zukünftige Technologien und Produktentwicklungen bestens gerüstet.
Calibrarea presiunii oxigenului ISO 17025 - Calibrarea manometrelor fără ulei acreditată UKAS

Calibrarea presiunii oxigenului ISO 17025 - Calibrarea manometrelor fără ulei acreditată UKAS

Oil free pressure sensor calibration for submarine, aviation and medical grade facility installations. Full cleaning and process calibration to ASTM G93 and Calibration to ISO 17025.
Dispozitiv de determinare a punctului de topire - Determinarea punctului de topire - Determinarea punctului de picurare

Dispozitiv de determinare a punctului de topire - Determinarea punctului de topire - Determinarea punctului de picurare

Excellence-Schmelzpunktsysteme und -Tropfpunktsysteme Excellence Schmelzpunktsysteme Mit den innovativen METTLER TOLEDO Schmelzpunktsystemen sind Sie auf der sicheren Seite. Bestimmen Sie Schmelzpunkt und Schmelzbereich mit hoher Genauigkeit. Die automatische Durchlichtmessung und die gleichzeitige visuelle Kamerabeobachtung im Auflichtmodus garantieren verlässliche Ergebnisse. Simultane Messung von bis zu 6 Proben und kurze Heiz- und Kühlzeiten, dank geschlossenem Ofenprinzip, erlauben Ihnen, mehr Analysen in der gleichen Zeit durchzuführen. Nie war die Schmelzpunktbestimmung so einfach. Jedes Gerät ist mit dem One Click® Schnelltastenprinzip ausgestattet, welches erlaubt, ein individuell hinterlegtes Messprogramm mit einem Tastendruck auf den Farbtouchscreen zu starten. Alle Geräte sind konform mit gängigen Pharmakopöen und weiteren Normen. Optional ist eine IQ/OQ Dokumentation erhältlich und wird bei Bedarf gern vom METTLER TOLEDO Service durchgeführt.
Sensitiv imago® 530 — DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL - Analiza și vindecarea organismului.

Sensitiv imago® 530 — DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL - Analiza și vindecarea organismului.

Sensitiv imago® 530 is the previous model in the SensitivE line. Hi-tech hardware-software complexes for diagnostic scan, analysis and healing of organism. Senstiv imago 530 device is being assembled according to the new European quality management standards 9001 full accepted in EU in 2013. The device passed the medical laboratory testing class 2, according to the European Directive.


Fitrationsgeräte, Chromatographie-Säulen
LABORATOR DE PICTURĂ - Vopsea - Pregătire

LABORATOR DE PICTURĂ - Vopsea - Pregătire

LABORATOIRE DE PEINTURE - Peinture - Préparation